Restoring Hope.
Transforming Futures.

Serving the forgotten, marginalized and hopeless of Montgomery County through outreach, relief and empowerment.

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Restoring Hope

Approximately 567,715 people are considered homeless on any given night in America; 210,054 sleeping within our streets. These are people just like you and me! Whether it be food, clothing, housing, employment or spiritual guidance, Compassion United’s programs bring tangible relief to those in need. At the same time, we seek to empower and equip them to discover a new life that will restore their hope and transform their future.

family of programs
A man sleeping on the street side walk during the day
A Compassion united staff woman taking a photo with another woman

Transforming Futures

With passionate leadership and vital community partnerships, Compassion United continues to press forward in incredible ways to transform communities by serving their forgotten, marginalized and hopeless. We’ve seen hundreds of people come out of homelessness and addiction to find a new life, and we believe this is just the beginning. With generous partners’ support, we know that we will continue to see lives changed and communities transformed.

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The Raines Family

We are the Raines family: a husband, wife, and our youngest son, Jacob. For us, giving back through volunteering is more than a choice; it's a core part of who we are. We have always believed in the power of volunteering and the positive impact it can have on our family and community. Volunteering isn't just about donating time; it's about dedicating our hearts to making a difference.

Allie's Story

I came to Hosanna House in the fall of 2018 but did not stay to complete the program. I chose to go back to an unhealthy lifestyle on the streets, but I kept remembering the things I was taught and the relationships I formed. So, in July of 2019, I decided to reenter Hosanna House. This time around, I am working hard to achieve my goals and make the most of this opportunity. I have applied for a scholarship that will help me get certified in dog grooming and eventually become a Veterinary Technician. I am learning to believe in myself again.

Lynell's Story

I started coming to Terry’s Tables Food Pantry about four years ago as a client. I needed food to take care of my great-grandchildren as well as kind words and prayers. I received both. The people here were so kind and gracious!

After a while, my great-grandchildren were placed in a safe home. I began to think about it and decided that I would become a volunteer at Terry’s Tables to return the help I received. It didn’t take long to get involved, and now I’ve have been here for over a year. The people at Terry’s Tables are not just people; they are friends and family.

I thought I might help someone else that needed a kind word, prayer or just a friendly face by volunteering. But in reality, I have made life-long friends who encourage and inspire me daily. May God bless this ministry!

Tia's Story

After my parents passed away within 18 months of each other, my family fell apart. Several years later, I found myself pregnant. The baby’s father told me to have an abortion, or he would not support me in any way. A friend helped connect me to The Joy House, and within three days, I was moved in and given all the help and support I needed. In January of 2012, my daughter, Miabella, was born. Back then, the future did not look so bright. I honestly would have never dreamed of being where I am today, working full time, supporting my family and raising an amazing daughter.

Patricia's Story

I moved to Houston after being hired for a new job, but once here, the job fell through. Having no contacts in the area, I had no choice but to live out of my car before relocating to the Salvation Army. I began attending the Conroe House of Prayer and met people from Compassion United, who invited me into Hosanna House. During my 11 months there, I found a job, began saving money, joined the worship team at CHOP, and became house coordinator for Hosanna House. Today, I am happily married and operate my own business. I give all the glory to God because His divine intervention took my difficult season and turned it into joy and blessing.

Brian's Story

I have only been at the Freedom House for a short time, but I already feel like the program has radically changed my life for the better. Since my release from prison, I have been searching for a better way. Something outside of violence, drugs and fear inspired behavior. Freedom House has been a supportive and accepting network to explore my new found identity in Jesus. Compassion United has opened doors that otherwise would have never been seen, let alone opened. Through personal examples and scripture, I have been shown that I don’t have to live in guilt and shame. My desire is that one day my life will be about what I may do for others.

Gabriel's Story

I was 13 years old when Destiny Kids first started their youth programs within the apartment complex where I lived. With not much else to do, I began attending the program and had fun learning about God. I continued being a part for the last five and a half years, and it has drastically impacted my life. Without the volunteers of Destiny Kids, I would not be in tune with God like I am today. I’m now finishing high school and making plans to attend college to pursue marine biology.

Ashley's Story

After a back injury, I was prescribed pain killers to help me cope with my symptoms. It didn’t take long for the prescription to be insufficient for my pain, and within a few years of buying pills off the street, I found myself on the downward spiral of drug use, which cost me my job, my house and nearly all my possessions. Exhausted from life and with nothing left to give, I applied to Freedom House, and miraculously, I was accepted into the program. While there, I reestablished my relationship with God and began to regain my self-worth and mental clarity. I found a job again, went back to college, got married to my wife and reestablished healthy relationships with my family. God used Freedom House to save my life and provide a sense of peace and joy that I have never felt before.

Kenny's Story

In 2017, Kenny was homeless. He became part of the Compassion United transition program and committed himself to doing whatever was necessary to turn his life around. He took advantage of classes and mentorship programs offered that equipped him for success. In January 2018, Kenny was given an opportunity to work with Consolidated Communications. This opportunity not only provided the financial means necessary to succeed, but also the confidence and the hope that success was possible. Kenny still works for Consolidated Communications today, loving his job and finding deeper meaning in his life. His hope has been restored and his future transformed.

miracle city

A first-of-its-kind, whole-person transformation community for Montgomery County uniquely focused on serving the forgotten, marginalized and hopeless.

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We exist to help empower and equip the forgotten, marginalized and hopeless of our society.

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Be a part of lasting change by helping others discover a new life that will restore their hope and transform their future.

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