Donating to Compassion United means you’re investing in a local organization with boots on the ground, making a tangible difference in hurting communities. Your generous support will make an immediate impact on those transitioning out of homelessness, poverty, addiction and at-risk circumstances!
All donations are tax-deductible and go to those in need in local communities.
Be a part of lasting change by making a one-time gift to support the continued work in Montgomery County and beyond. Every dollar makes a difference!
Compassion United relies on sponsors who can give monthly recurring donations to provide for the daily needs of serving people transitioning out of homelessness, poverty and addiction.
Legacy Partners are individuals or organizations that can make a more substantial donation to fulfill the vision of Compassion United. We have multiple levels of engagement available, starting with donations of $10,000. Please contact us and let us know of your desire to become a Legacy Partner so that we can serve your needs in the best way.
Text “GIVE” to 936.226.0220 to quickly and easily give through your mobile device.
Compassion United
PO Box 2582
Conroe, TX 77305
We’d love to meet in person to receive and thank you for your generous gift! Please contact us to set up a time to meet.
Donate stock proceeds and avoid capital gains tax. Contact us here with questions or to start the simple process.
View Our Donor Privacy Policy – Click Here
I came to Compassion United’s transition home for men in June of 2021. Prescription medication management due to a torn ACL had grown out of control, ending in a divorce and the loss of my career. Living with unbearable loneliness and having thoughts of ending my life, I did a google search and found Compassion United. Within 6 months I had a new outlook on life, graduated the program and moved to Colorado.
When I think back, I couldn’t have dreamed up the life I have today. God took everything that I thought would kill me and He used it to recreate me.
After a back injury, I was prescribed pain killers to help me cope with my symptoms. It didn’t take long for the prescription to be insufficient for my pain, and within a few years of buying pills off the street, I found myself on the downward spiral of drug use, which cost me my job, my house and nearly all my possessions. Exhausted from life and with nothing left to give, I applied to Freedom House, and miraculously, I was accepted into the program. While there, I reestablished my relationship with God and began to regain my self-worth and mental clarity. I found a job again, went back to college, got married to my wife and reestablished healthy relationships with my family. God used Freedom House to save my life and provide a sense of peace and joy that I have never felt before.
Compassion United is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to the highest levels of financial integrity and accountability. Every dollar given to advance our impact makes restoring hope and transforming futures possible.
Our tax ID number (EIN) is 26-2240778. All contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
We’re so grateful for each one of you that makes restoring hope and transforming futures possible. We pray God’s richest blessings over you and your family as we align our hearts with His vision!
Thank You,
Luke & Karla Redus